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  • Controversy over VF's December cover rages on. You know Borat wouldn't have gotten all lawyered-up about a wet/shirtless/white boxers shot, and that's because Borat is packing. Most pitiful is this quote from BP's publcist: "We had a great relationship with Vanity Fair. I don't know if this is going to affect that." (Headscratch). [Page Six]
  • Madonna, um, has, um, a hard time, um, explaining whatever's, um, going on with that whole, um, African baby thing. [BBC Newsnight]
  • Mark Foley's acting career involved a young person, dialogue like "Oh, I missed you too, baby." [R&M]
  • Mel Brooks, The Hoff to hold press conference, presumably to announce Hassley's role in the musical of 'Young Frankenstein.' " Space extremely limited." Um, right. [NYO]
  • Pete Doherty hospitalizzzz . . . sorry, we dozed off there for a second. Wait, what? For getting Kate Moss's engagement ring stuck on his finger? [BWE]