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According to a report in the Indian Financial Times, Al Qaeda is even more upset about the casting of Angelina Jolie in the role of Mariane Pearl than critics who think producers could've gone a little more "ethnic" with their choice, as terror threats to the actress and charity-tagalong Brad Pitt have been deemed credible enough to warrant increased security during her stay in the country to shoot A Mighty Heart:

Hollywood stars Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, shooting for the film A Mighty Heart based on the life of slain Journalist Daniel Pearl at Pune have been provided with Y category security due to threat to their lives from the al-Qaeda, Intelligence Bureau sources said in New Delhi on Thursday.

After assessing the inputs on threat perception from various intelligence agencies, India has provided the desired security to the international stars, sources told UNI.

The Maharashtra Police was also informed about the threat perception as the film is based on Pearl, who was assassinated by the al-Qaeda militants in Pakistan after being abducted on January 23, 2002 while working on a story on Islamic militancy.

It seems that Al Qaeda's American Cultural Destabilization Committee has grown considerably in sophistication over the last few months, as threatening Hollywood's Goodwill Ambassador to the international community at the height of her popularity displays a media savvy all but absent from their poorly conceived scheme to star-nap Russell Crowe last year. And it shouldn't be long before agents and managers turn Al Qaeda's potential interest in a project into a selling point, trying to steer actors towards high-profile, edgy political roles, promising their clients surefire Oscar nominations for any performance that gets them on a terrorist death list.