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  • Maya Rudolph and P. T. Anderson (who, in our book, count as 'good' celebrities) sue their landlord over broken elevator, bedbug infestation. [NYDN]
  • Actually listen to a live recording of Jessica Simpson admitting that she's cheesy. If that's your new ringtone, well, go w/god. [Janemag]
  • "Adorable Dave" (whaa?) Zinczenko — of 'Men's Health', being a twatwaffle fame — had an ultra-tasteful 'Keith Urban' Halloween costume. With real coke, we assume. [NYP]
  • Kanye West lost extremely sorely at the MTV European Music Awards, crashing the stage to tell the audience that, because his video, in which he was "jumping over canyons and shit" hadn't won, the awards show "loses credibility." Hear that? The MTV European Music Awards has lost credibility.[MollyGood]
  • Accepting an award from a Latino business group, Mel Gibson overshares about his "gringo gut." [USAToday]