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Santa Monica-based MTV staffers have been informed that God has expressed His displeasure at the unholy tearing asunder of the consecrated relationship of Britney Spears and Kevin Federline (really, we thought He'd send a celebratory hail of Care Bears, licorice drops, and red velvet cupcakes, but who can know the mind of the Creator?) by (once again) besetting the network's offices with a plague of bees. Says an e-mail forwarded by an operative:

Please be advised that there is a bee's nest in the tree on 26th street outside the main entrance at 2600. For those of you that are allergic please use extreme caution when walking from 2600 to 1633.

Thank you.

Yes, we know that we have a somewhat hysterical tendency to ascribe every out-of-the-ordinary occurrence at local entertainment industry outposts to some kind of Divine punishment for Hollywood's myriad sins, but consider the other signs we've been sent lately: an unseasonable, record-setting heat wave, the Evan Almighty conflagration, and perhaps most chillingly, Tom Cruise's new studio gig. With this latest, ominsouly timed swarm, He might really be trying to be tell us the end is nigh.