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  • Not to ruin your childhood memories or anything, but Bill Cosby just settled out of court with a lady who claims that he drugged her with Benadryl and then fondled her boobies. [E!Online]
  • Daniel, the forgotten Baldwin, makes another bid for fame via Santa Monica narcotics-possessing, upping the ante this time by tossing a bit of car theft into the mix. [TMZ]
  • Can Robbie Williams kick it with Lindsay Lohan? Apparently, no he can't. [Actress Archives]
  • We have even more debutard-themed tv to look forward to — a "game show" featuring "socialites" is reportedly in the words. ("The Price Is Unimportant?") [Socialite Rank]
  • Reese/Ryan divorce fallout: because there was no prenup, they'll split everything down the middle, though Reese is asking the judge to waive Ryan's right to spousal support. Feeling jealous of/dumber than Britney has got to suck. [Star]
  • It's an intriguing question Kevin Federline posed at his "standing room only" free House of Blues concert. But after careful consideration, we have to respond that no, we do not want to dance with a pimp. [People]