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Restaurateur Danny Meyer, whose quick attention to detail saved the Shake Shack from a full fecal outbreak this summer, has a new book out, and it gets a bit of a pasting in Slate. Jill Hunter Pellettieri calls Setting the Table"trite," "too touchy feely," and full of "gimmicky nuggets." (Much like the burgers at Shake Shack this summer.) Pellettieri says this more in sorrow than anger, since she, like most people who follow the industry, is full of admiration for Meyer. Another Meyer admirer, presumably, is the "unidentified critic" mentioned in today's Page Six:

The beating Blue Smoke also took from New York magazine's Adam Platt and Gael Greene, who called its ribs "wimpy," caused Meyer "pain" from "scar tissue" forming on his "rear end." He finally figured out a way to get a good review. Hearing that a certain unidentified critic for an "influential publication" liked a free meal, Meyer "hosted" the man and got "a glowing two-star review."

A cursory search of Blue Smoke reviews yields no clue, so we're turning it over to you, our knowledgeable readers. What influential publication was swayed by a free order of fry bread (which, we've got to be honest, is pretty fucking awesome)? We initially suspected someone at the News, but they don't do food reviews and there's no way the Post would ever call them "influential." Answers in the comments, or here.

Danny Meyer: The foodie who would be a business guru. [Slate]
[Image: NYT]