Hearst Makes Already-Tight Belts Tighter Just In Time for the Holidays

Wow, it must be a really great time to be working at Hearst, what with the fancy new building on 57th Street and everything! Oh ... wait. It's not, reports a tipster:
We just received the invite to the annual Hearst holiday party. It's clear there is some belt tightening going on here.
For as long as anyone can remember, the party has been at Tavern on the Green and it has been a drunken affair, highlighted by copious amounts of good quality food, especially in the shrimp category. Mountains, mounds, rainstorms of shrimp. It's a Hearst trademark. Famously, the company once hired a consultant to cut costs and they said that the first thing Hearst had to do was cancel the holiday party. Hearst said no. So they said, ok, get rid of the shrimp. Now it appears they have.
More shellfish insanity, and perhaps the worst holiday party invitation rhyme in the history of holiday party invitation rhymes, after the jump.
No Tavern on the Green. No sneaking spouses in (Hearst ID now required). No drunken Cosmo girls gorging on shrimp.
Plus it's on frickin Monday night. At 4:30!
We're just alarmed that they actually used this couplet in the invitation: "The moon on the glass of our new Foster jewel/Will give faces the glimmer of "kids out of school." What does that even mean?