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The Indian populace has been faithfully following Angelina Jolie's time in their country, where's she's currently shooting A Mighty Heart, assembling in droves Monday to watch as Jolie and co-star Daniel Futterman shot a scene for the film aboard a crowded train in Mumbai. While security guards kept the throng from approaching the actors, they were unable to stop a number of onlookers, sympathetic that the refugee-coveting humanitarian Jolie was unable to find a suitable new child to adopt on her recent trip to New Delhi, from ruining several takes by tossing their children towards Jolie, urging her to take them back to Malibu, where they could enjoy a life of People magazine spreads and Entertainment Tonight appearances not available to the average Indian commuter. Jolie, however, graciously declined the crowd's selfless support of her brood-expanding endeavors, politely explaining to the overly generous parents that their offspring didn't qualify for adoption under her strict "orphan only" policy.