Journalists Try to Pretend They Have Interesting Jobs for Charity

A reader sends in word of the World Hunger Year charity auction next Tuesday. Ooh, a charity auction, you say? Surely this will be one of the most glamorous events of the season, filled with socialistes like Tinsley Mortimer bidding on exotic resort vacations and diamond-encrusted dog collars.
Or, maybe not. One of the prizes:
WINS Announcer
6-9 am (WINS only)
Audition to be a radio announcer on 1010 WINS. You will have the unique and priceless opportunity to meet and chat with the 1010 WINS morning news team over bagels and coffee. You'll observe a live, on-air newscast and then record your own off-air newscast written by 1010 WINS anchorwoman Judy DeAngelis and recorded in the same studio used by the station's news anchors. Your recording will be gently critiqued by Mark Mason, the station's executive editor and VP / News for Infinity Broadcasting. You will also receive two CD copies of your newscast as a keepsake.
A live, on-air newscast! Your own off-air newscast! And ... and ... your recording will be gently critiqued! Gently critiqued? Pussies.