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Dave Chappelle, America's most beloved no-show comedian, is set to once again thrill audiences with one of his trademark mysterious absences at the HBO-co-sponsored Comedy Festival this Thursday in Las Vegas:

Dave Chappelle has canceled a performance scheduled for Thursday at the Comedy Festival in Las Vegas, organizers said Monday without providing further explanation.

Chappelle's agent and representatives couldn't be reached for comment. [...]

People with tickets for Chappelle's show will get refunds.

In keeping with his previous cut-and-run comedy classics, Chappelle will supplement his latest commitment-breaking nonappearance with a stop at The Oprah Winfrey Show, where he will explain how the festival's producers' suffocating directives to "just give us 60 to 90 minutes of whatever you feel like doing, Dave" forced the panicked performer to hop on the next plane to Tibet for a month of high-altitude soul searching.