First the Borat beatdown, now this. When he's not running for mayor, getting arrested for running for mayor, harassing the New York Press for not getting laid, political gadfly Christopher X. Brodeur backs up the performances of comic-girlfriend Jessica Delfino. Last week, Brodeur was doing just that at the UWS comedy club Stand-Up NY, when he hustled out without paying his automatic $15 cover for neither drinking nor eating. Manager Wayne Rada accosted Brodeur and, empowered by his ridiculous tie/scarf, throttled Brodeur around the sidewalk among shouted dramatics on all sides. Three cop cars arrived, setting some kind of imbalance record for police response versus incident severity. Eventaully, Delfino coughed up $20 to placate Rada, but not before the above lovely cellcam shots were taken of the affair. Thumbs up!

CXB's Prison Diaries [via Apiary]