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Post gossip dowager Cindy Adams risks the devastating effects of daylight this morning to bring news of a recent outing:

A TONYS slam dunk for Julie White and Ari Gaynor is "The Little Dog Laughed," which opened to big human laughter at the Cort Theatre. About a gay movie star and his male prostitute in a black leather jacket. So who is among the invited guests? Mike Jones in a black leather jacket. Don't know the name Mike Jones? Yeah, you do. He's the sweetie male hooker who just zonked the career of the Rev. Ted Haggard, the overtly Evangelical leader who confessed to sexual immorality. One being Mike Jones, who claims he rented his body to pleasure the Rev. for three years.

Of course we know the name Mike Jones, he's been all over the news recently. In fact, he was just in the papers yesterday:

And so here he was at the opening, the flashes going off, the photographers shouting, and the press agent taking him by the arm and steering him through the crowd to the gossip columnist Cindy Adams. "I was an escort, a gay escort," Mr. Jones explained to her patiently.

Publicity for One Who Exposed an Evangelical [NYT]