First they came for the trans fats, and now they're after our foie gras. A group of animal rights activists (who fall somewhere on the self-righteous spectrum between bicycle activists and tree people) have hit on a novel strategy to shut down production of the delicacy in New York State. Reports the Sun:

The plaintiffs, who include the state and national humane societies, claim that foie gras should be considered an "adulterated" food product because the ducks grow so unnaturally fat and ill that they qualify as diseased under state agriculture law, according to the complaint. It is illegal to sell the products of diseased animals under state law.

Now, one can take issue with a process that involves shoving a tube down a sentient creature's throat and shoveling food down its gullet until it liver expands to the size of Barry Bonds' cranium, but this is New York: If we can't wantonly abuse animals in the cause of producing something that goes into a forty dollar hamburger, we're just going to pack it up and head to Chicago, where they know how to slaughter. What? Oh, fuck, right.

In New Lawsuit, Activists Seek Ban On Production of Foie Gras in N.Y. [NYS]

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