Breaking: Poorly Executed Tom Hanks Death Rumor You Hadn't Heard Is Untrue

Spurred to action by rumors "swirling" on "the Internet" that Tom Hanks had tumbled to his doom off a cliff during a film shoot New Zealand, lurched into debunking mode, receiving assurances directly from New Zealand officials that no reports of fatal accidents involving world-famous personages had been made, then discovering photographic evidence that the actor was seen alive as recently as yesterday in California, shooting Charlie Wilson's War. (Still not dead as a result of a para-gliding mishap: Will Ferrell. Probably.) As it turns out, the "swirl" of the fabricated Hanks tragedy seems to consist entirely of a story generated by this prank site, which makes sending your favorite stars to a grisly, accidental death on the same New Zealand cliffs simplicity itself. Start your own easily debunked rumor today!
In case the prank site pulls the original Hanks story, it's preserved after the jump:
Actor - Tom Hanks Falls To His Death In New Zealand
Actor Tom Hanks died while filming a movie in New Zealand early this morning - November 16, 2006.
Preliminary reports from New Zealand Police officials indicate that the actor fell more than 60 feet to his death on the Kauri Cliffs while on-set. Specific details are not yet available.
The accident occured at aproximatly 4:30 a.m. (UTC/GMT +12). Additional details and information will be forthcoming.
ADVERTISEMENTNew Zealand, in recent years has grown in populariaty as a backdrop for Hollywood producers because of it's scenic and rugged landscape.
Recent movies filmed in New Zealand include The Lord Of the Rings, King Kong, and The Chronicles Of Narnia.