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In addition to "shedding her Barbie hair" and never asking anyone in the cast a single personal question that didn't have to do with Maya Rudolph's mysterious non-white skintone, Paris Hilton proved herself to be a "piece of shit" host quite literally, Eat the Press reports.

According to my SNL-insider source, when Hilton hosted, she toted her dog Tinkerbell with her the whole time. And one day during the week, little Tinkerbell took a little doggie crap on the floor of the Talent Office, just outside of where Lorne Michaels' office is.

There you have it, folks: Paris Hilton is totally an immature, retarded, sloppy twatwaffle. Is it the weekend yet?

Tina Fey Rags on Paris Hilton [ETP]
Earlier: Tina Fey Reveals that Paris Hilton is Dumb

Update: An SNL-insider tipster gives us even more information about this hot 'Paris Hilton is dumb' rumor . . .

I was interning at SNL when Paris hosted and, indeed, everyone HATED her. One day, she was waiting to rehearse a sketch and while she thought no one was looking, she took the gum she had been chewing out of her mouth and stuck it onto the set. Naturally, everyone in the control room had seen the cuntrag do it and when someone called her, she continued to stare blankly. She also couldn't read the cue cards while filming promos and pronounced the name of the band Keane as "Key-annie." Don't you live those tidbits about how she's actually "really smart" and "knows what she's doing?"