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PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are now posted several times a week (well, most weeks)—so send them in like your lives depended on it. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let the world know about the time a Borat screening at the Grove afforded you a front row seat to a "before and after" David Hasselhoff experience.

In today's episode: Jack Black and Kyle Gass; Salma Hayek; David Hasselhoff; Michael Rapaport, James Spader and Tim Gunn; Matthew Broderick; Adam Goldberg; Shannyn Sossamon; Jason Priestly; Michelle Trachtenberg and Jack Osbourne; Derek Jeter; Mario Van Peebles; Duane 'Dog' Chapman and Beth Smith; Dennis Rodman; Elliot Yamin and Mark DeCarlo.

· Worked the Vista Theatre (Los Feliz) "Pick of Destiny" screening last night where the D (Jack Black and Kyle Gass) put on a short but scorching set of the better known songs in their arsenal. They also put buttprints into the not-so-famous starprints sidewalk in front. After their set they were meant to leave but they sneaked up to the projection booth to watch the opening of their first movie. Both guys were non-talkative but wide-eyed and giddy as if seeing the "Magic of Movies" from the perspective of a dusty, 1940's asbestos-laden closet was something special.
Movie was great if your a fan of the D; enjoyable if your just a Jack Black fan.

· Tuesday (11/14) went to local restaurant Caf Stella for dinner with friends, who promptly mentioned Salma Hayek was there. (I've seen her there before.) I couldn't see her from my vantage point, but at the end of the night, when I was waiting for my car, there she was. Petite, seemed very approachable and cool, with two other Spanish-speaking friends. I don't know what else to say, really. She's a cool cat. Go Salma! Do I get a free travel mug or golfing visor now?

· Went to a Saturday (11/11) late afternoon screening of Borat at the Grove. After the movie let out, saw David "The Hoff" Hasselhoff with one of his daughters. He looks quite aged but clearly has had quite a bit of plastic surgery on his face. The funny part of the otherwise dull sighting was seeing The Hoff in the plastic-surgery-modified-flesh just after seeing an shot of of him (from Borat's beloved collection of Baywatch photos/books) in his younger, Baywatch years in the movie.

· Tuesday evening 11/14, it was like shooting celebrity fish in a celebrity barrel at the Arclight. There was a screening of George Clooney's new film "The Good German" and some kind of shindig for ASCAP, so I can't tell which event was drawing the stars, but within about a 90-second span in the main lobby I saw Michael Rapaport (tall, listening intently on his cell phone), James Spader (in a cool hat and looking much more svelte than on "Boston Legal," good for you, dude!) and Tim Gunn. Now, at first I thought it couldn't be Tim because we're not in NYC, but when I read in the previous PrivacyWatch that he is indeed in town, well, it's clear that my mad skills for spotting the famous once again made it work {snort!}.

· 9/12 - While reading the Sunday NY Times and checking the Blackberry at the Starbucks across from CAA / The Peninsula, Matthew Broderick, frumpy yet cute and sans SJP, sat at the table behind me and proceeded to do the very same (albeit with a snazzier Blackberry). Looked like he cleaned up nicely for the Deck the Halls premiere later that day.

· Saw Adam Goldberg walking into this Asian (Thai?) Massage parlor across from that shopping center with the Ralphs on the corner of Western and Sunset. He rang a bell and the door opened. Walked in very quickly (and discreetly).
Wonder why. I'M JUST SAYIN'!!!

· Friday morning, Starbucks on Larchmont: SHANNYN SOSSAMON, ordering some sort of espresso drink (I only noticed it was her AFTER she ordered, so alas, can't tell you if she's a latte girl, Americano, or what). Shannon is not only absolutely stunning in real life - I could barely peel my eyes away and I'm a heterosexual girl - but she looked to be of a totally normal weight. No anorexia or bobble head here - you go girl! She also smiled nicely at the barista and thanked him for her order. Classy!

· Thursday evening, at Luna Park, sitting next to my friend and me at the bar was my 90s heartthrob... JASON PRIESTLY! He was with some woman, maybe around his same age (mid-late 30s), with very short dyed blond hair. It didn't seem romantic, more like business. Couldn't tell if the were drinking but they got the french fry happy hour special, yum! Brandon looks good, aging well. Especially considering, wasn't he in an extremely bad car crash (while racing) a few years back? You can't tell at all!

· seen: michelle tractenberg, jack osbourne and scruffy weird friend at wokcano on third street, tuesday.

michelle has possibly the most obnoxious laugh EVER and rambled on about a music video she shot for ringside and how it was, like, a lot of fun. jack was seated virtually on michelle's lap and repeatedly asked if she had a bodyguard.

· Derek Jeter at Mastros Wednesday night 11.15 around 10PM. Second floor 2X2 rectangle table in the bosom of the "L" floorplan - tucked around the corner from the bar. ...1 white male friend/non Yankee on his side, and 2 African American guys across from him. It looked like a 2 guys meeting 2 guys for dinner deal....but maybe I'm racially profiling. They were drinking lightly and were generally left alone, except for a table of 6 girls and 1 dude 2 tables away from me further away from Jeter who were standing up out of their seats and turning 180 degrees around to stare between people's heads at him. I was drunk and yelled at the lookey-loos "Stop staring"! I yelled it a little too loud. He looks exactly as he does on TV. Perfect skin. I still hate him....go Red Sox.

· Thursday, 8 p.m. Mario Van Peebles at Puck Express, 3rd Street, Santa Monica. He happily signed an autograph while placing his order. He wore his Baadasssss T-shirt. No offense to Mr. Van Peebles, but between the bagpipes, the never-ending Guantanamera, and the dirty utensils, I don't know why I eat at that place.

· Saw Duane 'Dog' Chapman and his wife Beth Smith last night at Acapulco on La Cienega (across from Trashy Lingerie). Didn't get a good look at him, but you can recognize that mullet anywhere. Apparently he likes crappy Mexican food and $2.25 margaritas too...

· 11/13 - Monday afternoon, corner of Melrose and Curson in front of the Metro store, none other than former NBA bad boy Dennis Rodman, shooting something with a camera crew. The other actor was dressed like a court jester. Seriously.

Is Los Angeles the only place where this doesn't even draw a second look from anybody?

· Spotted American Idol third-place finisher Elliot Yamin at Hollywood & Highland last night. Had to do a double take because he was super short and had a smokin' hot brunette on his arm. My suspicions were confirmed when the couple met up with a tall, curly-haired drink of water known as Ace Young's brother. Looks like they were going to Level One for (according to his official website) Ace's 26th birthday party.

· Spotted seminal early-90s Dating Game ripoff "Studs" host Mark DeCarlo (sadly it was not necessary for me to imdb him) chatting with decent blonde in the outdoor patio at World Cafe in SM on Wednesday (11/15). Is there one person in America who didn't get that the witty double entendre banter on that show was scripted? Anyway, he's aged OK and was blathering on and on about his stand up act. She seemed into it. Notably, there was an open-mike terrible comedy thing going on inside, but he didn't seem interested.