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Largely because it's Friday afternoon (evening?) and we've had quite a day, we're reprinting the first 21 items on this guy's list of stuff he hates. Also, we agree:

One. Cobra Snake
Two. Dim Mak
Three. Hitler
Four. Nazis
Five. Haircuts
Six. Those fucking jeans with horseshoes on the pockets
Seven. Girls that wear dunks
Eight. Dudes who weigh less then their girls
Nine. Diamonds
Ten. Kids who talk about bands
Eleven. The sound indie kids make when they talk
Twelve. Snitches
Fourteen. Mayonnaise
Fifteen. Door Lists
Sixteen. The DaVinci Code
Seventeen. DJs whose names are followed by clubs they spin at in ()
Eighteen. Lipstick Lesbians
Nineteen. People who keep it 'real'
Twenty. People who say things like, 'stay up homie'
Twenty One. People who say things like, 'bra, for real bra'

There's more, but we'll let you wallow in the hateitude on your own. Happy weekend!

I Fucking Hate That Shit [ifuckinghatethatshit via Paper]