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  • At the AMAs, gayest gay of life ever Clay Aiken retaliates against the perceived slight he received from homogermophobe Kelly Ripa by gaily having Tori Spelling portray her at the AMAs. Ouch! [YouTube]
  • First daughter Barbara Bush's purse was snatched in Argentina. World outpouring of sympathy to commence any second now. [CBS]
  • Britney reunites with her trashy hair extensions, but thankfully not her trashy exhusband. Yet. [The Deli]
  • Oh, and by the way, there "is no sex tape." Riiiight. [BumpShack]
  • More self-harming — Lindsay Lohan gets in a fender-bender in London. [The Starlets City]
  • Ben Widdicombe thinks everyone who talks to Penelope Cruz is gay, even Diddy. Well, maybe. [Gatecrasher, second to last item]
  • Was married Taye Diggs sucking Ashlee Simpson's plastic face? [Page Six]