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In a Talk of the Town piece in next week's New Yorker (online now), Jeffrey Toobin talks to the man behind the O.J. Simpson not-confession If I Did It, Pablo Fenjves, who got to know Judith Regan when they were colleagues at the National Enquirer in the 1970s. (He wrote "human-interest" stories for the paper.)

Of course, the question on everyone's mind is what qualified Fenjves to be the ghostwriter on the O.J. book in the first place. Could it be his wonderfully written prose? (He also writes screenplays, including one called "Devil's Child.") His ability to really get to know his subjects? (He also ghost-wrote the Bernie Mac autobiography.) Or perhaps it's something else altogether:

Last year, Regan published Fenjves's parody of James Frey's work, called "A Million Little Lies," which he wrote under the name James Pinocchio.

We just knew our favorite Fake Writer was involved somehow.

The Ghostwriter [New Yorker]