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  • Still under the expert tutelage of Paris Hilton, Britney reaches a new low as her skirt reaches a new high. [Egotastic]
  • Something about "Hi, I'm Anderson," as a pick up line is just so, like, gay. [Page Six]
  • Adequite actress Lindsay Lohan tells paparazzi that Paris Hilton threw a drink at her, and hurt her, and that it's NOT OKAY. Also, she's "just trying to act." Oh, and speaking of! [X17]
  • Idle, fourth-hand, totally unconfirmed speculation has it that Lohan is being considered to play Stevie Nicks in an upcoming biopic and we are soooo in line to buy tickets. [TMZ]
  • According to Nas's babymama, Nas wouldn't date Beyonce because of her chronic halitosis. Even if this is true, we think there might be pot/kettle issues here. Grills are hard to keep clean, yo. [NYDN]