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Good news for those of us who enjoy consuming the products of barbarous torment:

On the verge of introducing legislation tomorrow that would ban foie gras from city restaurants and food markets, a city council member decided to pull in the reins and investigate the matter further. "I'm generally sympathetic to humane issues," the city council member who was proposing the ban, Alan Gerson, said, "but there are a lot of people on both sides of the issue." Mr. Gerson said that a phone call he received from a constituent aided in his decision not to introduce the legislation.

Councilman Gerson represents SoHo, NoHo, TriBeCa and the Washington Square area: Who do you reckon the constituent was? We're guessing Drew Nieporent or David Bouley, but we're open to suggestions.

Council Member Puts Foie Gras Ban Aside For Now [NYS]

Earlier: Wacky Animal Fans Want To Take Away Your Right To Consume The Product Of Torture