'Borat' Now Accused Of Ruining Doomed Celebrity Marriages

The dissolution of Pamela Anderson's marriage to Bob "Kid Rock" Richie after just four months may have been the celebrity break-up that launched a million, "Go get her, Borat!" wisecracks, but the internationally renowned joke recycler may have had more of a direct hand in the snuffing of their white trash love than any of us could have guessed. From Page Six:
"Ron Meyer held a screening of 'Borat' at his house for a bunch of people, including Pam and Bob," says an Anderson pal. "It was the first time Bob had seen the movie, and, well, he didn't like it. [...]
[Anderson's] friend tells Page Six, "Bob started screaming at Pam, saying she had humiliated herself and telling her, 'You're nothing but a whore! You're a slut! How could you do that movie?' - in front of everyone. It was very embarrassing. [...]
"Ever since that night, it has been icicles between them," the friend relates.
While her image in a 20-year-old Baywatch fanzine may have served to enhance the self-pleasuring fantasies of the movie's titular star and his naked, blubbery producing companion, Anderson's actual performance—mostly comprised of trying to outrun the wild-eyed, bride-trapping Eurasian—hardly qualified as either "whore" or "slut"-like. Surely this couldn't have been the first time Rock betrayed his jealous side, but humiliating the provocative sex symbol among Hollywood's most powerful during a private screening of her hit movie must have simply been the straw that broke the proverbial camel's toe.