With the Dia Art Foundation dropping out, uptown's Whitney Museum of American Art has jumped to grab the new location right in the ass end of the Meatpacking District. The new space at Gansevoort and Washington will technically be a "satellite museum," even though it will be considerably larger than the original Whitney. And since it will serve as one end of the constructivating High Line elevated park (pictured), one could conceivably walk there from Chelsea without ever setting foot in the Meatpacking hellmouth. Just imagine — rather than drunken jerkoffs screaming at you from a Hummer limo, you can pay admission to watch projected videos of angry homeless men screaming at you from bathtubs full of crude oil. At least the museum should reliably produce some more tasteful T-shirts.

Whitney's Expansion Plans Are Shifting South, to the Meatpacking District [NYT via Curbed]