Nadine Johnson Shows Us Her Soft Side

We're still not sure who's behind the site, but Socialite Rank is slowly revealing more clues. To wit: today's Q&A with none other than the Dragon Lady of PR herself, Nadine "I Used to Fuck Richard" Johnson. Now, there are several things that are intriguing about this interview. One: The famously scary Nadine Johnson gave an interview to Socialite Rank. Innnteresting. Two: to call this interview "fawning" would be too generous.
A sample: In the past few years, no fashion publicity firm has successfully distinguished itself like Nadine Johnson & Associates. In just over fifteen years in existence, the company has established itself as one of the very top destinations for luxurious party planning services and celebrity and socialite attraction.
So, someone wants to kiss Nadine Johnson's ass, clearly. Add these to your arsenal, but let's also parse Johnson's words of wisdom.
- Her daily routine: "Reading nine daily papers, getting my fingers ink stained, then do yoga - all by 8:30 AM."
- She didn't always want to be a publicist. Thank God for Richard: "I studied political science and law at the University in Brussels, then my ex-husband told me I should go into PR because I am a news junkie."
- Is she trying to tell us something? On one of her favorite moments at a party recently: "When Fabiola Beracasa met Leo DiCaprio at the HBO party at Chateau last January - one of many "chance encounters" when you have the right mix (of guests)."
- N.B.: In publicist-speak, "chance encounter"="blowjob in the bathroom."
- The Queen Nadine [Socialite Rank]
- Earlier: Gawker's Coverage of Socialite Rank