Irresponsible Rumormongering: Jeff Zucker Not Universally Admired?

This nasty little nugget dropped into the tip line. As always, we cannot assure its veracity (any item that refers to Bob Wright as "beloved" is immediately suspect in our eyes), but, you know, too good not to share. [We've provided context where appropriate]:
Thought you'd want to know that top brass at NBC Universal are so freaked out that beloved [chairman] Bob Wright might leave and be replaced with much-loathed [douchebag] Jeff Zucker, that some have even gone so far as called the French company Vivendi to tell them to sell their remaining share of the company before Bob leaves since Jeff has no idea what he's doing.["The Book of Daniel"]. Most have no respect for Jeff and would rather quit than work for him (i.e., [e.g.]. [new AOL Chair Randy] Falco, [new Discovery Chief Executive David] Zaslav, [top ad sales exec Keith] Turner). Many more to come.
So what's the word? Does everyone at NBC hate Zucker's guts? Spill.