Best Wishes, Jay McInerney and Anne Hearst!

Dear Jay and Anne,
We didn't have time to do a card, so unfortunately this will have to suffice: congrats! We're sure the 4th and 3rd times, respectively, will be the charm. And we just have to say something about how our hearts melted when we read Jay's take on your ultra-romantic meet cute story in the Times announcement:
Ms. Hearst, a sister of Patty Hearst, and Mr. McInerney met in 1986 at Nell's, the former New York nightclub. Although they were friends for years afterward, "our timing was never quite right," Mr. McInerney said. "I would call to tell her I had just broken up with someone, and she would tell me she had just gotten engaged."
Their moment finally came in August last year, when Mr. McInerney was helping a former wife and their two children move from Nashville to a new home in East Hampton, N.Y. They arrived only to find that the house was not ready. It was then that Mr. McInerney reached out to Ms. Hearst, who agreed to put them up in her Long Island home. She and Mr. McInerney started dating soon afterward."
Adorable! But we wonder why you two lovebirds had to wait so long! Is it possible that it takes ladies a little while to warm up to Jay?
Well, in a 1986 article about couples who hated each other at first, Jay's second wife Merry weighs in:
''I thought he was slick and self-centered,'' said Merry McInerney, who was introduced to her future husband four and a half years ago and retained her initial impression of him for two years. They will celebrate their second wedding anniversary in June.
Slick and self-centered? Not our Jay, that's for sure! Best of luck, you cuties. We're totally sure we won't be dredging up a similar quote from Anne in one to three years.
Couples For Whom The Initial Feeling Was Far From Mutual [NYT]
Anne Hearst, Jay McInerney [NYT]