Leigh Lezark: From Sex Advice to Fashion Advice

MisShape Leigh "Princess Coldstare" Lezark certainly loves doling out her words of wisdom, whether they're of the "should I lick it before we kick it?" variety or not. Witness the above scan from this month's Teen Vogue, where she gives ever-so-thoughtful fashion advice to legions of impressionable young minds. We did note that they didn't actually run a photo of Leigh in the issue, leading us to wonder whether they've actually seen what she wears. We look forward, in any case, to TV's inevitable fawning coverage of the MisShapes fashion line. (N.B.: She goes to Hunter College.)
Earlier: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex ... From Leigh Lezark
Earlier: The MisShapes: "Total Hipster World Domination Will Be Ours"