'Prison Break' Actor Lane Garrison's Lawyer: 'My Client Was Just Playing Carpool Mom'

It has now been determined that it was indeed actor Lane Garrison behind the wheel of the tragic accident that claimed the life of Vahagn Setian, a popular 17-year-old student at Beverly Hills High School, and injured two other 15-year-old girls Saturday night. (For those unfamiliar with Garrison's work as Eminem-wannabe inmate Tweener on Prison Break, a fan posted this highlight reel on YouTube, in which he demonstrates a repeated reluctance to being made many an inmate's bitch.) Garrison has retained attorney Harold Braun for his defense, who, despite offering several alternative scenarios to counter the currently popular "drunkenly plowed into a tree" theory, is still having trouble getting around the whole "my client picked up a bunch of teenagers at a supermarket and accompanied them to a party" part of the story. The LAT reports:
According to Braun, Garrison met the teens, who were fans, at a grocery store and accompanied them to a party, where he had one drink. About an hour later, the actor left the party to meet a female friend and the teens asked if they could go with him, Braun said. Garrison said yes.
The next thing Garrison recalled was waking up at Century City Doctors Hospital — where he was treated for minor injuries — with a taxicab voucher in his lap, Braun said.
"There is always the possibility that someone put something in the drink," Braun said, adding that the blood test would show that.
"We're still trying to figure out what happened," said the lawyer, adding that Garrison was having trouble with his vehicle's brakes and the SUV pulled to the right. He said police would examine the vehicle.
Garrison, who lives in Beverly Hills, was "despondent" and "overwhelmed" by the incident, Braun said.
The lawyer's explanation of the bizarre turn of events leading up to the accident only raises more tricky questions: Specifically, what was a 26-year-old TV actor doing befriending two 15-year-old girls and their pal at a supermarket on a Saturday night, then accompanying them to a high school house party? (A similar turn of events was played for laughs on the last season of Entourage.) Stories about what exactly went down at that adolescent bacchanalia are sure to emerge in the coming days, upon which we will inch closer to the truth about whether or not Garrison fell victim to a couple of celebrity-leery, teenage pranksters who plotted to dose his Pabst with GHB before loosening a few nuts on his Land Rover's master cylinder.