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Our solicitation for details on media holiday parties has produced some great responses, keep 'em coming. A particularly choice tip offers the scoop on MTV Networks' bash:

As with every year for the past decade-ish (except for 2001, when having a good time was outlawed), MTV Networks' holiday party will be happening this Thursday at Hammerstein Ballroom. 7pm - 4am, nonstop free booze.
This year the theme emphasizes the importance of black people and dancing. It's called "Get in, Get Down" and the invite shows a bunch of people dancing, 75 percent of whom appear to be African Americans (not in Judy McGrath's wildest dreams is this the case with the true racial makeup of MTVN staff).
Significant others are not invited (or welcome), so every year each department has at least one significant hookup.

To be fair, maybe they're just trying to balance out the stunning whiteness of MTV Global Digital Media enabler Mika Salmi.

Earlier: Solicited: Media Holiday Party Information