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It seems that a committee of interested publicists, agents, lawyers, producing partners, and film executives have finally decided that Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston can finally end their loose, unconvincing public association as a Hollywood power couple and pursue separate careers, as a "close friend of Aniston's" has told Page Six that the couple is "no longer romantically connected," freeing up both parties to seek out mutually beneficial partnerships with whatever future co-stars they so desire. Vaughn's camp is apparently already hard at work nurturing a new, hard-partying, swinging bachelor image, as Page Six points out that the tabloids have placed him in a Hungarian strip joint catering to fans of "explicit" exotic entertainment, complete with a report that one of the performers is ready to shop a tale about how the insatiable actor spent a king's ransom trying to test the limits of her ping-pong-ball-ejecting abilities. Meanwhile, we imagine that Team Aniston is bracing to combat a fresh round of stories that she spends her lonely days casting various reminders of yet another soulmate lost into a raging pity-bonfire on her stretch of Malibu beach by granting an immediate "JEN: I'M OK, REALLY" cover feature to whatever magazine offers the biggest headline font.