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Radar has dug up the blog of alleged Vince Vaughn cuddle-buddy Mallory Lane, the Texas sorority girl who Star speculated broke up Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston's relationship, inconsiderately ignoring the vital input of a team of very well-remunerated publicists and managers who undoubtedly helped the couple decide it might be time to seek their own paths. While Lane has so far resisted the impulse to yank down her blog in the midst of this controversy and rob the world of a travelogue of her European wanderings, it does appear that she removed a single sentence from a Monday entry indicating that she met Vaughn (pictured above) in Budapest, a piece of writing considerably more discreet than the CC: All Gamma Chi Deltas Sisters masterwork of shared cigarettes, Hungarian sunrise, and celebrity heavy petting Star previously shared with us.

Bonus: The National Enquirer sniffs around the blog in hopes of lowballing their way to a huge exclusive.