This image was lost some time after publication.

being Rosie's assistant isn't
for the faint of heart
it's not
an easy job but what is an
easy job 2 u?
working in a factory?
fighting for US?

dont b afraid
these r only feelings
i miss the dream
what could b

to see what u have
not what is missing

so if u r
an am/pm type
or a post coordinator
apply now
the real email is after
the jump

think about
what makes news and y
when u r the story
step back
from the movie

An old co-worker is staffing up at Rosie O'Donnell's production company. They are currently looking for: 1) green, but very smart overall assistant with room to grow 2) post coordinators 3) AP / PM types If you have any friends you think would be qualified/and interested, have them email: XXX XXXX at: ** Please note: This is not a place of employment for the faint hearted. It's intense and serious. But if you have eager, good, thick skinned friends, then fire away...