Short Ends: Knowing His Blushing, Imprisoned Bride Isn't Going Anywhere, Newlywed Cruise Already Letting Himself Go

· If Katie Holmes had not appeared standing next to him in the pre-cropped version of every one of these Getty Images photos of the Pursuit of Happyness premiere, we would have suspected that a newly bloated Tom Cruise devoured her on his honeymoon.
· You know who's probably not getting married in South Africa this Christmas? Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.
Perhaps the most surprising thing in this story about Dustin "Any References To The Character Screech In My Promotional Materials Must Be Rendered In A Smaller Typeface Than My Actual Name" Diamond's contract rider is that anyone was hiring him for promotional appearances a full two years before he put out that sex tape.
A reader pointed out that we overlooked this one in our earlier post about Apocalypto headlines, so we update with: Apocalypt-Ow! Mel's Messy Mayan Movie.
· Your new favorite blog: Cute Things Falling Asleep.