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Well, the o.g. Fake Writer seems to have learned his lesson about lifting whole sentences verbatim. But the latest novel excerpt up on Big Jim's website (by the way, he's lying about the 'Big,' too, obviously) certainly owes a debt to Farm Aiding singer/songwriter/actor John Cougar Mellencamp. See for yourself:

Dylan and Maddie
They can see the glow a hundred miles away it's night and they're on an empty desert highway. They've been driving for two days. They grew up in a small town in Ohio they have known each other their entire lives, they have always been together in some way, even when they were too young to know what it was or what it meant, they were together. They're nineteen now. They left when he came to pick her up for the movies, they went to the movies every Friday night. She liked romantic comedies and he liked action films
sometimes they saw cartoons. They started the weekly outing when they were fourteen. [ . . . ] He picked her up and carried her to his truck, a reliable old American pick-up with a mattress in the back

Hold on to nineteen as long as you can, Dylan and Maddie! We don't know why, but have this suspicion that changes are gonna come around real soon and make you women and men.

Dylan and Maddie [Big Jim]
Jack and Diane [LyricsFreak]
Earlier: James Frey Might Want To Go Back To Just Making Things Up