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We love this whole notion that all "old media" has to do is throw a couple blogs up there on the interweb, and voila, instant new-media relevance! Yesterday we took a look at "Couric & Co.," which totally reads like a community newspaper column, and today we were alerted to CBS News's new "humor" blog Showbuzz—quotations marks sadly intentional—which totally reads like a community college's humor magazine. (Not that we have anything against community newspapers or colleges, but CBS is supposed to be, you know, professional?) Take this dispatch from an entry entitled "Kids These Days":

I'm a proud member of what is at least the second greatest generation: Generation X. We struggled through the Great Recession, Pac Man Fever and "Battle of the Network Stars."

We didn't have any of these Xbox's or GameCubes with 3D graphics. We were lucky if we had 2D. And we couldn't play them in the comfort of our homes, we had to travel vast distances to dank and seedy places called arcades, with lighting more befitting a Bangkok whorehouse than a recreation center for children.

And we couldn't just jump on our Segways to get there, either. We traveled on clunky, manual-powered vehicles called BMX bikes.

Great Moments in Blogging, exhibit A.

Kids These Days [The Showbuzz]
Earlier: To Feel Bad for Katie Couric, Or Not to Feel Bad for Katie Couric?