In this under-the-wire edition of the Stalk: Chelsea Clinton A and Chelsea Clinton B, Tom Green, Kate Bosworth, Rudy Giuliani, Cameron Diaz, Heather Graham, Alan Alda and Josh Hartnett, Will Smith, Mariska Hargitay, Kareem Abdul Jabaar, Ivanka Trump, Gretchen Mol, Bob Balaban, Jorge Posada, Jerry Stiller, Paulina Porzikova, George Hamilton, and, keeping Mike Meyers out of the basement, Ricky Martin in Brooklyn.

I saw Chelsea Clinton on 56th street at around 12:30 on Tuesday. It looked like she was just going to lunch with some coworkers. I just moved here and it was my first celebrity sighting, so I was pretty excited. I can't wait to run into Peter Dinklage.

Last night, Chelsea Clinton was observed in a state of extreme inebriation at a bar on 2nd Ave and 2nd Street called, cleverly enough, "2nd on 2nd." This is a Karaoke bar. Time was after midnight, but before 1:00 am. She was being propped up against a wall by two friends, without whom she would have slumped to the floor. Her hair was "up." She was eventually escorted out of the bar by her friends, a guy and a girl. Seriously, how often does anyone see Chelsea Clinton anywhere (ed: quite, actually), much less wasted? Turned out to be a double dipper, because Tom Green was there as well. He sung a few songs on Karaoke. None of us can remember which. He was wearing a beard.

Kate Bosworth on 56th & 2nd. She'd be hot if she lost 30 pounds.

Rudy Giuliani on 52nd and 6th - walking past the set of 30 Rock, which is filming on the corner. Not sure if he was a guest star or just walking by. Walking with a woman - smiling. His head does NOT look that big.

Saw Cameron Diaz at Barney's 5:00 yesterday she was trying on bags, nobody really recognized her. dark hair, no make-up not very
pretty. Elbowed my mom.

Just saw Heather Graham at 61st and Columbus. A little girl was holding her hand and she was with another older woman. Wasnt sure if it was her at first, but as I walked past her she hung her head down like she knew she was spotted. And shes drop dead gorgeous.

Saw Alan Alda and Josh Hartnett, walking together on Columbus Avenue near the ABC Building at about 130 this afternoon. Noticed Alda first and was way more excited about spotting him than seeing Hartnett.

Will Smith and his child/co-star that could have been his son coming out of Gobo on Waverly St. Looked tall and not nearly as homeless as he does on Pursuit of Happyness

Mariska Hargitay with three baby caring staffers across the street from Mayrose on Broadway at 21st St.

Thursday 2:30 in front of 75 Rockefeller Plaza — Kareem Abdul Jabaar chatting with one guy almost his height and then pow-wowing briefly with some normals.

Ivanka Trump walking north on madison and 58th...confidently battling traffic and crowds in precariously high heels...full makeup and power suit friday 12/15 9:30 am

Gretchen Mol and her director husband walking arm in arm on Charles Street in the West Village on Tuesday night. She's small and really pretty - so fair skinned and blond she almost glowed in the dark.

Bob Balaban, December 13th, 8pm at the Central Presbyterian Church on 64th Street.

Nearly bumped into Jorge Posada on 77th between 1st and 2nd, at noon on Thursday. He was wearing sweats and is much cuter in person. I was surprised by the fact that he wasn't huge, but I guess not every ballplayer looks like the Incredible Hulk.

Jerry Stiller hailing a cab with a grocery bag in hand. Tourists spotted him, shrieked and said "That's Ben Stiller's dad!" He blew them kisses anyway. Very gracious.

Still gorgeous supermodel Paulina Porzikova holiday shopping in Anthropologie on 5th Avenue. Asked for a gift receipt, didn't know Ric Ocasek was into boiled wool hodgepodge sweaters!

George Hamilton, getting caught like the rest of the budget traveler schmuchs at jetbleu jfk terminal due to bad weather.

Saw Mike Meyers last night at marshall stack, with a much-younger looking blond hipster-y ladyfriend.

Saw Ricky Martin at the Brooklyn museum in the Ron Mueck and Annie Liebovitz exhibits, with big hair and an entourage. The sculpture of the large naked man in the room looked awkward.