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Is this a genuine case of a straw breaking the camel's back, or a flimsy excuse for NewsCorp to give its employees something to celebrate right before the Christmas party? (Speaking of: we have it on very good authority that HarperCollins CEO Jane Friedman belted a killer rendition of It's Raining Men at karaoke that night!) Anyway, you decide:

The last straw, however, came Friday afternoon, when Regan, working in her office in Los Angeles, blew up on the phone at a lawyer from HarperCollins in New York who had been helping the publisher handle problems with the Mantle book. Regan was dismissed for cause shortly after that phone call, according to a high-level source.

Uh huh, because Judith Regan has never blown up on the phone at a lawyer before. What do you want to bet she mentioned the size of her dick?

Offensive Phone Call Preceded Firing of Publisher Judith Regan [Pittsburgh Gazette]

Earlier: But Now Who Will Publish the Judith Regan Story?