More News You Can Use About Boner Butchery
Because we know you can't get enough information about penises and the surgical mutilation thereof, we direct you to this Slate piece, which provides everything you need to know about how to perform an adult circumcision. Seems that deforeskinning an adult dong is a touch more difficult than slicing up a baby wang: There are tiny hats that fit newborn weens, but no such cock chapeau exists for the adult member (unless you're Indian). In any event, the article mentions three techniques from making your John Thomas a tad more aesthetically pleasing to those who prefer their love pumps to look a little less like they're dressed for inclement weather: the "guided forceps," the "dorsal slit," and the "sleeve resection." Click through if you must; we're going to spend the next hour or so with our legs crossed, shivering.