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  • A tipster writes of Regan, "She was constantly muttering about 'Jew agents' in the office and once claimed to staffers that, as a joke, she went through her old apartment building on the Upper West Side, took all the torah scrolls out of the mezzuzahs at the doors and replaced them with torn-up dollar bills." Amaaazing!
  • Tara Conner, booted from Miss USA-ness for drinking, drowned her sorrows, tiara in tow. [NYDN]
  • Britney Spears got booed by the crowd at a Lakers game over the weekend, while a Kevin lookalike's image on the Jumbotron was cheered. Uh, because Lakers fans like rooting for assholes. We tried to make a sports joke! [TMZ]
  • Cobrasnake intard Cory Kennedy fears that recent party pal Lindsay Lohan may bitchslap her for revealing too much about Lilo's drinking on her MySpace. We think, at least. hard to sense make out of cory kennedy thing she write. [MollyGood]
  • Baby mama drama is so what Mel Gibson needs at this juncture. [The Dirt]
  • So, it turns out that Paris Hilton doesn't know the word "ethics," nor does she have a MySpace blog. We are kicking ourselves. Obvs Paris is way too dumb to have a MySpace blog! We just didn't know it was possible to be too dumb for MySpace before now. [StarletsCity]