Alicia Colon Loves Jews, Even The Impecunious Ones

In her latest Letter from Locoland, Sun columnist Alicia Colon takes a strong stand against religious bigotry:
Christ is the reason for the season, and for time immemorial it was a joyous occasion celebrated by people of all faiths. The anti-Semites who blame the Jews for the war against Christmas are targeting the wrong individuals. Religious Jews have never objected to our celebration. After all, Irving Berlin wrote "White Christmas," and most of the great Christmas films of old were made by Hollywood studios headed by Jews.
My Jewish neighbors in Spanish Harlem (yes, there are poor Jews, too, folks) used to join in during the festive time of the year and gave us gifts of fresh-baked Challah bread on Christmas morning.
Shhh, Alicia! Not in front of the goyim!
Just What Are We Celebrating? [NYS]
Related:: Matt Drudge: Left-Wing Liberal Media Criminal [Wonkette]
Earlier: Gawker's coverage of Alicia Colon