Hollywood's Virtual 'Perfect Man' Probably Hiding Dark, Gay Secret

Modern image editing software allows us to pluck with relative ease the most attractive features from our favorite stars' faces and bodies and seamlessly combine them into one miraculous Frankenstar. In Touch's latest stab at the genre makes a delicious hunk smoothie out of ingredients like Patrick Dempsey's fiber-rich hair, Jake Gyllenhaal's eyes, and, for added protein, Ben Affleck's gigantic chin. And while they see a likeness in the results to ER's Goran Visnjic, we think this Photoshopped hottie bears an almost uncanny resemblance to E!'s Dr. 90210 Robert Rey, leading us to wonder if perhaps the doctor's movie star good looks might well have been achieved by a series of painful, self-inflicted surgeries after he realized none of his nurses or technicians ever bestowed him with a nickname consisting of a "Mc" prefix followed by some synonym for the word "yummy."