Stallone: Jesus Is My Co-Writer

While Sylvester Stallone's efforts on behalf of Rocky Balboa have so far been mostly comprised of guilting potential audience members into seeing his movie by asking them to give an old, broken down action star a second chance at success in a youth-obsessed Hollywood, he's now taking his pandering in a new and potentially lucrative direction. Writes an operative, who for reasons unknown to us was watching The 700 Club earlier today:
Just wanted to alert you to the fact that Stallone just appeared on The 700 Club to discuss the Christian allegorical element in Rocky. He claimed at one point that not for a moment does he think he wrote the script alone — that's right, Rocky as prophetic text. I half expected him to crack up when he bade a pious farewell to Pat.
There's a brief summary of the Stallone segment on The 700 Club website, which we've excerpted after the jump:
Stallone says that in the past, his ego and worldly temptation's took over in his life and he went spiraling out of control. Rather than living like Rocky with some sense of ideal, he didn't. "I thought I was entitled to things. You're not entitled to anything," Stallone says. "You are what you leave behind." Stallone says the more he goes to church, and the more he turns himself over to the process of believing in Jesus and listening to his Word and helping him guide his hand, he feels as though the pressure is off himself.
Even with the recent doubts cast on the truthfulness of the Rocky backstory, we suppose that it would be a little cynical of us to suggest that an opportunistic Stallone showed up to chat with Pat Robertson about how he's put his career in God's hands just to drum up some business from the Passion of the Christ crowd. At least (as far as we know) the actor didn't go so far as to claim that he wrote the original script in the margins of a Bible while sitting in the confessional at his church, or relate an anecdote about how he finally won the fight with writing partner Jesus that resulted in Rocky being a scrappy, underdog boxer instead of a humble carpenter.