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Terrence Koh (pictured) has a big white A.S.S. That's short, of course, for Asia Song Society, the space where Koh, an artiste whose work was featured in the Whitney Biennial, lives, "works," and parties with various members of the aging Kids diaspora (eg, Leo "I only get cast as retards, why's that?" Fitzpatrick). He also has big plans to expand the space:

[Another art fag], who lives nearby, said he's looking forward to the clubhouse that Mr. Koh plans to build in the basement. He's currently installing a sound system. "It has a lot of potential. It's just gonna be a place artists and friends can come by whenever and just go down there and hang out. There's no other place like it in the city," he said.

Uh, okay! Just don't try telling the members of the Freeman No Metrosexual Dickfaces Club that. We predict, like, a jousting battle with antlers any minute now.

The A.S.S. [NYO]
Earlier: Freeman's He-Man Woman Haters No Metrosexual Dickfaces Club