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Just so as to not keep you hanging: That A.P. evacuation that occasioned so many bathroom jokes on your part yesterday? Probably nothing.

About 150 employees were briefly evacuated from the headquarters newsroom of The Associated Press on Tuesday after a staffer opened an envelope containing an unknown white powder.
City officials conducted an onsite test of the substance and initial reports indicated it was harmless, Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll said. The envelope was taken to a lab for further testing.
The envelope, which also contained explicit photographs, came to the AP's mail department on the 15th floor of the building at 450 W. 33rd St. and was delivered to an employee in the newsroom on the 14th floor.

We're not going to make any jokes, because this is not a particularly funny issue, but we will admit to being more than a little curious about the pictures.

Employees at AP Headquarters Evacuate After Mail Scare [AP]

Earlier: Breaking: A.P. Evacuation

[Image: A.P.]