Bad Lingo: Blog Clich Detector Is The New Proofreading Carefully!

OMG!! A Hanukah gift dropped quietly into our inbox in the night! A smartypants computer programmer has actually created a program, inspired by our screed about abused and overused blogger writing copouts, that detects the offenses we mentioned. All you have to do is cut and paste the writing in question into the Clich Detector, and you'll know right away which turns of phrase to cut mercilessly, yo. Best. Computer Program. Ever. What's next? Someone will be inspired to create a computer program that just writes all of our posts for us? That might be a good thing, actually, cause all of this Rosie/Trump/Miss Nevada/Judith Regan meaningless pre-Xmas drivel is kind of making our eyes bleed, not to mention making us throw up in our mouth a little bit, and it seems like the media just isn't about to stop reporting these non-stories anytime soon. We're looking at you, Post. Seriously. Seriously. Um, so maybe you'll want to try it out? It's, wait for it, full of programmy goodness.
Clich Detector [Daniel Tsadok]
Earlier: Bad Lingo: Blog-Media Clich s