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NYT says "[Redacted], you [redacted] [redacted] of the CIA. Go [redacted] a up your [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] until it [redacted]." Ouch. [NYT]
Radar happily repurposes naked pix of Melania Knauss, the third Mrs. Trump. Now that we think about it, we probably should have run these images rather than that of the [redacted] Times op-ed. WARNING: Contains tits. [Radar]
Eat the Press has everything you want to know about the shuttering of Shock, Hachette Filipacchi's doomed attempt to appeal to the "cerebral cortex damaged in a rollerblading accident" demographic. [ETP]
Dave Zinczenko and Dan Abrams move their nonstop pussy party to South Africa for the holidays. Insert your own supbar oral sex joke involving "the bush" here. [WWD]
We're starting to get a little worried about Seth Mnookin. [Seth Mnookin]