'Times': Circulation Up In Presidential Demo?

The Times is all in a lather over a seeming reversal: President G. Dubs, who'd previously eschewed newspapers in favor of the "objective opinions" of his staff, mentioned reading an article in one last week. "Is there hope for newspapers after all?" the article tongue-in-cheekily asks. Well, not so fast, guys. We personally know how hard it is to read a bunch of newspapers, and in our professional opinion, Bush doesn't have what it takes. We think he's lying about reading that article: probably some aide read aloud to him while he watched Deal or No Deal or something. And while on the one hand you want to be all "our president is an idiot monkey" about this, on the other hand, you kind of see his point, right? Reading newspapers, at least for him, would be like if Lindsay Lohan read Us Weekly!