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While you were desperately rifling through piles of Banana Republic wrapping tissue searching for the all-valuable gift receipt that would spare you from a fate of itchy sweater hell, year-round Christmas angel Angelina (it's right there in her first name!) Jolie and short-leashed civil partner Brad Pitt were once again focusing their energies on making the world a better place, one Colombian refugee baby at a time:

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have spent their year helping others, and they didn't take a break on Christmas Day. The couple spent Monday handing out gifts to refugee children in the Costa Rican capital San Jose.

"We had a wonderful Christmas both with the Costa Rican people and the Colombian refugee families we met," Jolie said in a statement. Her visit was part of her work as a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

The South American option could be exactly the skin-shading compromise Jolie has been looking for in the latest addition to her Crayola Fun Pak family. Not to diminish the couple's unparalleled charity work, but dragging an ox cart full of toys into a Costa Rican square would be just the trick to lure adoptable Colombians out into the open for closer inspection. Any adorable little girl to catch Jolie's eye can then be easily assimilated into the family by leaving a fur-lined Santa bag brimming with chocolate chip cookies and Barbie dolls lying nearby, whereupon the child is then just one swift drawstring-pull away from being absorbed into the multicultural clan.