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Party promotion can be one hell of a lucrative field if you're locked in with the "right" people. It also comes with its share of perks: you're up to your eyeballs in "hot chicks" night after night, your MySpace page will never have less than 10,000 friends on it, and you're blessed with free admission and drink tickets at every nightclub in the city. What, you're thinking, could possibly go wrong?

Meet Dimitri.

"There's a lot of pressure to make a party look good, not actually be good," Apostol said. Club owners pressure promoters to bring in pretty girls to attract more big spenders. "If we bring out a lot of people all that will happen anyway. We just try to bring out people who want to have fun.

Ask Jennifer Moore's parents what can happen when promoters lose their scruples. Ask the bouncers and bartenders who've been arrested as a result of promoter jerkoffery what they think of these spiky-haired little B&T pricks who are only a half-step removed from tossing stacks of flyers on the sidewalk.

The Life of A Manhattan Party Promoter Isn't All Fun [New York Resident]