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We alerted you yesterday to Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's charity work in Costa Rica, handing out presents to Colombian refugee children. But the flawless philanthropists have no monopoly on good deeds, as celebrities from every letter of the rigid Hollywood caste system came out to help those less needy. A round-up:
· Survivor host Jeff Probst and his girlfriend, former Survivor contestant Julie Berry, spent Christmas serving dinner to patrons of the Wayside Soup Kitchen in Portland, Maine. Just for fun, Probst suggested serving meals to four separate lines divided by race, an experiment soup kitchen officials quickly cancelled after a bearded man in the white line started shouting that the two individuals in the far shorter Asian line were receiving unfairly generous turkey portions. []
· In further New England celebrity charity news, Adam Sandler sent Stephanie and Kevin Hudon, two teenage siblings from New Hampshire suffering with cancer, a hard-to-find Playstation 3 and swag bag, in the hopes that the blowing away of virtual Nazis with high neuro-artificial-intelligence would temporarily take their minds off their troubles. [AP]

· Enjoy this gallery of stars who showed up at the Los Angeles Mission last Friday to feed the homeless, where the most commonly asked question of the day ("Where'd this hair come from?") always had the same answer ("Sally Kirkland."). [Getty Images]
· "Wealthy SoCal Residents Donate Twice as Much as NorCal Affluent." Stick that to your friends up in San Francisco who think L.A. is the seventh rung of greedy Grinch Hell! []
· You didn't think we could stay away from Angelina and Brad that long, did you? The Maddox Jolie-Pitt Project (codename: Operation Mohawk) is in full effect, as the pancultural clan has vowed to make good on their pledge to bring aid to the Cambodian people, in addition to a variety of easy-to-manage counterculture hairstyles. [People]